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Tech innovation reshapes the global construction industry

Our collaboration with Thornton Tomasetti and Syska Hennessy is helping to revitalise the ambitions of building designers across the globe.
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Why is active control for vibration in buildings so exciting?

It's time to get active – and embrace a phenomenal new era of design freedom, building performance and a world of real-time data...
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The real cost of controlling floor vibration

We’ve explored the often underestimated, but very real cost of controlling floor vibration that makes the case for CALMFLOOR so compelling.
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RLS and CALMFLOOR: Enhancing building performance

RLS has published a case study on CALMFLOOR. Read about 'Enhancing building performance: The role of magnetic encoders in active mass dampers.'
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CALMFLOOR reseller partnership with Motioneering announced

FSD Active announces CALMFLOOR reseller partnership with Motioneering delivering global exposure for our active floor vibration control solution.
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FSD Active achieves ISO 9001 certification

FSD Active is proud to announce we have been awarded ISO 9001 certification, the internationally recognised standard for quality management systems.
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Paul Reynolds: The journey from academia to industry

Paul Reynolds, vibration control specialist and CEO of FSD Active Ltd, shares the story of his journey from academia to industry.
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Long Span Floors – The Problem & The Solution

In this article, Aleksandar Pavic explores the benefits of our CALM®FLOOR product in addressing floor vibrations in long span floors. This innovative
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From Concept to Market

Emma’s engineering passion, technical versatility and commercial drive have been instrumental in bringing our floor vibration control device.
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Revolutionising the Construction Industry, One Building at a Time

Imagine working in an attractively designed, open plan, versatile office building, but with one major downside – the vibrations in the floors are so
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