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Floor vibration simulation service: reduce floor vibration fast

Floor Vibration Damper

The CALMFLOOR floor vibration simulation service

There’s no substitute for the detailed insights that will model and predict floor vibration in a building. Our vibration simulation service is tailored specifically to your floor and will provide the design data required to integrate CALMFLOOR active vibration control in the design of the floor structure with confidence.

We use modal properties (natural frequencies, mode shapes, modal masses and modal damping ratios) of your floor and our ground-breaking simulation software to validate regularly against real-life, measured behaviour. CALMFLOOR’s vibration experts then model and predict your floor vibration in a range of scenarios.

Our simulation software will identify potential problematic vibration zones and evidence how CALMFLOOR will mitigate any excessive floor vibration risk, ensure compliance and avoid over-design and costly structural and performance defects on your project.

Ready to simulate to get the evidence for active vibration control you need?

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Floor vibration simulation
for a seamless switch to CALMFLOOR

CALMFLOOR’s specialist floor vibration simulation and modelling is available as a pre- and post-construction service to help architects and engineers unleash design freedom without the compromise or constraint that can be imposed by ever-more stringent floor vibration requirements.

Take the failsafe option and book a floor vibration simulation before you make the seamless switch to CALMFLOOR vibration control. We’re so confident you’ll want to invest in CALMFLOOR based on your results, we’ll refund our fee when you do.

CALMFLOOR floor vibration simulation service results are delivered in just one day after your modal data has been imported into our software.

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CALMFLOOR simulation service FAQs

What modal data do I need to provide for a CALMFLOOR simulation?

What floor vibration insights will I receive?

What vibration data do you measure against?

Will the simulation identify floor vibration hotspots in the building?

CALMFLOOR floor vibration simulation service results are delivered in just one day

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