CALMFLOOR floor vibration Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

CALMFLOOR CPDs for architects
CALMFLOOR is a powerful new floor vibration solution with the capability to deliver architectural freedom and transform building performance – CALMFLOOR’s Floor Vibration Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars will demonstrate how you can achieve both in your projects.
We’re pleased to offer a range of complimentary 60-minute, RIBA-Certified CPD seminars for architects to help broaden your knowledge of floor vibration control and the impact of excessive floor vibration on our buildings.

CALMFLOOR floor vibration CPDs on the following subjects are available:

Understanding active mass damper technology to control floor vibration

Integrating floor vibration control for sustainable floors

Floor vibration control in adaptive spaces without structural changes

Active mass dampers to control floor vibration in skyscrapers